Until Year 1991, our company was the General Representative for Acrylic glass "PMMA" for the factory "Lesna Industrija Litija" from Slovenia.
We have been operating as an independent Macedonian company since Year 1991 and we are General Agents and Authorized Distributors of World Factories:
- SABIC Innovative Plastics from the Netherlands and Austria;
- PERSPEX International from England, UK, GB;
- 3A Composites from Switzerland and Germany;
- Akripol from Slovenia

> Lexan* polycarbonate sheets
> Perspex* acrylic sheets
> Impex*, Forex* PVC Foam sheets, Hipex* PETG sheets
> Alux* skylight domes

Our expert team has extensive experience and know-how in Industry and Construction with Thermoplastic Materials, and we are experts in Projects (Civil Engineering Installation) of Buildings with glazing and roofing, sunlight facades, canopies, roofing skylight lines and domes, with automated opening mechanisms, manufactured from PMMA / PC, as well as Transparent Traffic Safety Sound Barriers for roads and railways, also manufactured from PMMA / PC, additionally with specific Aluminum Sound-Absorption Panels.

Standards and guarantees
We have many years of experience and know-how to work on the territory of our country under the same conditions and standards from the factories that we represent, and always to provide sufficient materials and necessary quantities of products. We have set high criteria and standards of modern design and products, which in composition with the built-in high quality materials and seriousness in the Construction and Civil Engineering makes the final product irreplaceable and long-life durable. The products are always only from original and direct world manufacturer and supplier.
Civil Engineering Installation
With a long presence in Construction Industry, our expert team has built many facilities throughout Macedonia, Kosovo, Serbia, Albania, Russia and Uzbekistan.
100% Guarantee
Since Year 1975, Liting is a Representative Office in Macedonia for the factory Lesna Industrija Litija - Department for Plastics, from Slovenia.
Since 1991 Liting is a private Macedonian company and is a representative office for the factories:
> General Electric – Plastics (The Netherlands) – Authorized distributor;
> Galenika – Klirit (Serbia) – General Representative (1991-2005);
> Barlo Plastics, Quinn Plastics, Polycasa (Belgium) – Authorized distributor;
> Akripol (Slovenia) – General Representative;
> Evonik (Rohm Degussa, Germany), – MMA, Monomer;
> ICI UK (Lucite International UK) – Authorized distributor;
> Fracasso (Italy) – Traffic panels.
Today Liting is a Representative for the following Manufacturers:
> SABIC Innovative Plastics (The Netherlands & Austria);
> PERSPEX International (England, UK, GB);
> 3A Composites (Switzerland & Germany);
> Akripol (Slovenia).
100% Safety